Friday, October 23, 2015

Thursday, October 22, 2015


So I have been late with the new music that is being released like crazy and its really hard to keep track
Im really lagging but I finally heard the new one direction song that was release what monday I think im not sure sorry if im wrong but this song made me think of the blog 
Im in love with this song

Hey Guys: Song Of The Day

Sorry there hasn't been any post this week its just because Sam and I have been busy with school and sports so we apologize for missing out on posting How is everyones day going?
Lets start of with some coldplay since I have not post any songs from them I hope you enjoy there music as much as i do 

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Song Of The Day:

Haven't  posted a song from them 
I love this band a lot so I hope you enjoy 

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

We Support:

Hey guys I totally forgot that October was bullying prevention month
and so we decide to post a video about bullying 
This leads to a lot of problems in life to low self esteem which is not necessary
When I was little this girl picked on me in the bus she thought she was better than me and deserved the seat that I choose to sat at. After maybe 3 weeks of her picking on me her friend just stood by and watched this happening. I stood up to her.  
In 8th grade these girls that thought they were the most popular at the school were picking on this other girl I watched them for a while until I got sick of it I walked up to them and just told them to stop being a jerk to her she doesn't deserve the crap you are giving her. Ever since that the girl has been bully free I still know her in my junior year.
No one deserves to be treated badly if your watching this happen stand up to them. 
You don't deserve to be treated like that either if there is a girl / guy that is pushing you around stand up tell somebody its not a bad thing you are a great person don't take crap from anybody.
We will stand with you 
Love Natasha & Sam


So Guy's I was going threw the website to see if I could find any support groups on line
I went threw so many site's that had nothing 
Until finally I stumbled upon a website called:
Im a member on it now you post how you feel on this and if you are feeling negative some people
are really positive and really nice so this site Im giving a thumbs up.
Ima keep using this site if you find me message me im under 
Love Natasha

Song Of The Day


Friday, October 9, 2015

"Viva la Musica"

 I've been working on this post for a while now (It's been sitting in the drafts forever!) but I wanted to get it
just right...
I've always connected many important things that have happened throughout my life with music.
No matter the situation. Music has somehow always made a connection 
with anything and everything I've even been through.
It can make me want to dance and be free.
It can also make me feel like sitting in bed and crying. But nontheless, it makes you feel something...good or bad, it just works.
It can change how you feel in seconds and make you come back to life after you think you've gone numb. It can make you feel like nothing you've ever experienced and bring back a certain feeling from the past...
Or, it can just make you feel alive! Make you feel like loving life and living like you'll never die!
William Congreve once said "Music hath charms to soothe the savage beast". A quote that is without a doubt one of the most beloved of all.
Music has always had a way of southing the soul and healing our scars. So just listen. and take it all in. And then, be set free.

"Sorry x)))"

I fucking LOVE this song! xD
P.S. Sorry if I'm being annoying but I did say that I was gonna start posting a LOT more x)

"Never Grow Up"

So I decided to put this song up even though it probably won't be the song of the day I've just always really liked this song. I really think its just saying to enjoy your childhood and try not to grow up so fast because living how you like is fucking fun! And why not just enjoy it? Where not getting any younger and we realize that were going to have to get a job and do grown-up shit but why not have so fun sometimes? Just because your an adult doesn't mean you have to get ready to die. Have fun sometimes! Go crazy! Do something that you like to and fuck whoever doesn't like it or judges you cause they probably want to do that too but they won't let themselves have that freedom. So just have fun and enjoy life. :)

Thursday, October 8, 2015

I'm baaaaackk! ;D

Hey guys, it's Sam I'm writting this to let you guys know that I'm gonna be on the blog a lot more now than I have been in the past and I'm real sorry about that but I proimse that's not gonna happpen anymore. So get ready, cause I'm gonna blow your mind's x)

Accept The Challenge:


I am challenging you to step up and step out
I understand some of you are not comfortable with this but 
Whats the Challenge? You might ask well 
I Natasha Torres am Challenging you to 
Drum Roll Please......
Tell people about this blog
Do you have a friend that you feel would understand this blog?
Can you stand by and watch people struggle and feel alone?
Lets go out and show people that you care that there are people out there that are looking out for them
Help publish this blog 
Our goal: Sam and I are trying to make a mark with this blog 
To show that that you are a wonderful person 
Please Just .... Accept it 

We understand if you can't but please try 
We love you guys 
Love Natasha & Sam



so guys Sam & I have been talking to our teacher (Mrs. Barns) about what we have planned for this blog and whats going to happen in the future. Sam started saying ideas that I think are really good Ideas for this blog. First of all, We really appreciate this kind of support from you guys reading all our blogs following us on our social media without you guys this blog would not happen we are here for you guys just understand if you need someone to talk to message us at all hours if its just to talk that's fine. Second, we are going to try to make videos of us participating (The bracelets we are going to make soon, The line challenge, the ribbon day that are coming soon) hopefully this goes well videos will be coming soon which is really exciting. Last but not lease there is a book Called Speak  This was a great inspiring book to Sam and she brought up this idea that one day (we are not sure yet what day we are still deciding) we should put tape on our mouths and on the tape "speak" will be written on it We will keep you posted on this idea. Thanks for keeping up with us we love you guys 
Love Sam & Natasha 

Line Day:

    Put this on your calendars you guys 
Sam and I would like to do this 
And we will be posting pictures when we do this
We would like you guys to participate at your school
Show your pride and don't be afraid of what people will say 
Support those that go threw this 
Support your self with what you are going threw 
-Sam & Natasha

Lip Sync 2

Something to make you laugh just because 
you have a beautiful smile and you should do it more often

Song Of The Day

My new discovery x))))